Friday, July 13, 2012

Hackers Strike - Was Your Password Posted Online?

Yahoo Hacked
Hackers struck again this week. reported that this time, they posted 400,000 Yahoo user's passwords to a webpage as a "warning" to Yahoo, Inc. to close up security holes in their web servers.

The hack revealed a frightening fact; many of the passwords were embarrassingly weak. Sequential lists of numbers, like "12345" were used as passwords 2,295 times and the generic, "password", 780 times. If you are a Yahoo user, change your password immediately.

With cyber attacks becoming almost a daily occurrence, it is extremely critical that you take security seriously and protect your data (home or business). Ensure all of your passwords are considered "strong" and that your PC/Mac is running up-to-date anti-virus software. Integrating a hardware firewall and spam/web filtering service to your business network is also recommended.

Zarti techs can perform a full IT evaluation that often uncovers security threats and offer solutions on reducing them. Utilizing the services of a technology consulting firm like Zarti Group offers business owners the comfort of knowing security patches are being implemented on a monthly schedule and that their security tools are configured properly. If you require assistance figuring out where your firm is vulnerable, please don't hesitate to contact me at 732-395-4281 or