Tuesday, February 23, 2010

5063 Incoming Emails, Only 152 Allowed. How’s your spam filter?

Zarti recently implemented an e-mail filtering solution for a client and the results are staggering.

In a 24 hour period, 5063 messages were delivered to our Client’s domain; 97% were outright denied from ever entering the email exchange and 262 of the messages were tagged as spam, 19 of which contained viruses.

After sitting with our client we realized that they were paying for multiple email protection software packages that were running on their own server. In addition, the software wasn't up to par; they were still receiving spam, their addresses were being "spoofed" and users were checking the spam folder as much as the inbox. Ultimately, we chose MX Logic's hosted service as the right solution.

The benefits to having Zarti implement this solution for your company are simple.
  • It's a hosted solution which means no software or hardware is involved. The mere fact that the Client’s exchange server is no longer forced to process 4,892 spam messages and distribute them to the intended recipient saves bandwidth and processing power; potentially extending the life of the exchange server in the long run;
  • Users will spend less time deleting and managing spam in their inbox and junk folder which will lead to increased productivity;
  • Stopping Spam or Phishing attempts before they get to the server reduces the liability that an employee will accidentally click on a malicious message and cause some serious damage to the system;
  • Reduced spoofed addresses will help keep your domain name off of email blacklists and keep you communicating with clients.
Business owners should understand that e-mail server management is a critical “Back of House” function and should not be overlooked. We can implement this hosted solution for your business and assist you in developing e-mail use standards to reduce liability and increase productivity.

I would recommend that anyone with a company email exchange server call me to discuss how this business solution can benefit your firm.